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Checkpoints and relay race changeover locations


Checkpoint locations are marked in red. These maps are just to give you a rough idea what's where, and obviously if you open up Google Maps on any smartphone or tablet you'll be able to zoom, save, print off, and be guided by satnav straight to each checkpoint!  :-)

Checkpoints 1 and 4: Maxton 

Approximate postcode for Maxton CP is TD6 0RN

The checkpoint is in Maxton church carpark. Head north out of Jedburgh on the A68; after approx 8-9 miles turn right along the A699; on reaching Maxton turn first left down St. Cuthbert's Way towards the church. Both Maxton village and the church itself are clearly signposted.   

Please note that there is NO PARKING for race traffic either at Maxton church carpark or on Maxton main street. Please DO NOT just ditch your car on the main street - it really annoys local residents!

All supporters and relay teams will be directed to designated off-street parking areas nearby and must walk in to the checkpoint. This will be approximately 250 metres.

There will be two portaloos at the checkpoint, because we like to spoil our runners. 

Checkpoint 2: Rhymer's Stone

Approximate postcode for Rhymer's Stone CP is TD6 9HA.

Head north out of Jedburgh on the A68; after approx 12-13 miles turn left at the roundabout along the A6091 towards Melrose. After approx 1.5 miles turn very sharp left - there is a huge brown tourist information sign for Rhymer's Stone on the main road so you can't possibly miss it! - and half a mile along this road you'll reach a gate blocking the full width of the road. The checkpoint is 100m or so beyond this gate so you'll have to park before the gate and walk up.


Cars are welcome to park just before the gate, however please remember that this is a residential street. Do not obstruct any gates or driveways, do NOT park on the grass verge, and be prepared to move your car if marshals ask you to. 

There will be a portaloo at this checkpoint too. Gosh, we're good to you!

Checkpoint 3: Bowden

(also known as the Playpark of Doom!)

Approximate postcode for Bowden CP is TD6 0ST.

No directions for Bowden because it isn't a relay changeover point. If your friends and family want to see you there, they can use their own common sense to find it.

Please note that Bowden is a timing point rather than a full checkpoint. Dropbags are NOT available at Bowden CP.  But we do give you water, Coke and vegan jelly sweeties here.


There is a toilet available in Bowden village hall - ask a marshal for directions.

Important Stuff!

The race route crosses several main roads. Runners and drivers alike should show consideration to each other at all times! 

Please give the above directions to any friends and family who are at the race with you, as we are more than happy for them to come along to the checkpoints and cheer you on, as long as they are willing to park where we ask them to and if necessary to move their vehicles.

Please make sure your friends and family know that they MUST NOT attempt to drive in to Maxton churchyard. This will be enforced by traffic marshals who will turn all race traffic away from the checkpoint. 

A word from The Management:

We are LGBTIQ+ friendly. We are nonbinary friendly. We are friendly to everyone, really. You can enter our races as female, male, or nonbinary. If you are trans, you are very welcome to run in the gender category authentic to you. We are not affiliated with any sports governing body so can set our own rules on this. We are proud signatories of the Scottish LGBT Sports Charter, and are fully committed to upholding all of its principles.

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