Race rules
We like to keep it simple. We specify minimal compulsory kit and some basic rules that you MUST observe - for your own safety, for other people's safety, to minimise disruption to local residents and businesses, and to protect the reputation and future of the race. Beyond these essential rules, you can find much more detailed advice in your Race Handbook which will be published on the website and emailed out to you before the event.

Compulsory kit
You must carry these with you at all times:
an emergency foil blanket
a charged and switched on mobile phone
a waterproof jacket/top/smock with taped seams and a hood
(NB plastic festival ponchos are NOT appropriate waterproofs!)

Some important rules of participation:
no running with dogs
you must be 20 or over to take part
running poles ARE permitted (contrary to popular belief)

Although the route is mostly trail, there are some short sections of road and a couple of serious road crossings, so follow these rules, especially the earphone ones!
ALWAYS obey the marshals and STOP when they tell you to!
remove earphones completely for road crossings
remove earphones completely when running on tarmac

Your conduct
Basically, don't be a dick!
look out for your fellow runners
be courteous to other trail and road users
remember to thank the marshals
no littering
no pacers or support runners
no support crews
A final very important rule from the Jedburgh Three Peaks Medical Team:
The casual race-day use of ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) is forbidden. You must not use any of these drugs as a race-day painkiller. If we become aware that you are doing so, you WILL be disqualified. Please note that if you have an ongoing prescription for any of these medications, you should continue to take your usual dose but you must inform us about it in advance via email and you must be able to show us an in-date prescription packet if requested.