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The Three Peaks route


38-ish miles
80% trail / 20% tarmac
2800ft ascent / descent
Tougher than you think!

Forest trails, hillside paths, quiet country lanes, open fields, a wobbly bridge, riverbanks, cows, wooden staircases, disused railway lines, a golf course, historic gravestones, extinct volcanoes, flipping awesome views, the odd bit of mud, okay, maybe a lot of mud, spooky woods, the Playpark of Doom, dodge-the-dinosaur antics, battlefields, villages, more staircases, more views, more riverbanks, more fields, more cows, that wobbly bridge again, some horrible tarmac, and finally a cheeky wee uphill sprint finish!

And a beer at the end of course  :-)

Jed 24 elevation.png

A word from The Management:

We are LGBTIQ+ friendly. We are nonbinary friendly. We are friendly to everyone, really. You can enter our races as female, male, or nonbinary. If you are trans, you are very welcome to run in the gender category authentic to you. We are not affiliated with any sports governing body so can set our own rules on this. We are proud signatories of the Scottish LGBT Sports Charter, and are fully committed to upholding all of its principles.

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